What Geek Girls REALLY Want [Picture]
So, ladies, is there any truth to this, or is your ideal dream a little different? :) [Via The Mary Sue]
So, ladies, is there any truth to this, or is your ideal dream a little different? :) [Via The Mary Sue]
Doubling in size instantly is bad for your health. [Source: Dorkly]
[Via Visually]
[Source: Virtual Shackes]
A virus that destroys every part of the brain except for basic motor functions, and also the part that stores Christopher Walken quotes? Horrible. [Via Io9]
Play the game here. [Youtube]
A little zombie humor in honor of The Walking Dead premiere tonight. via Optipess
I guess that ooze was full of midichlorians. [Via Gamma Squad]
[Source: Dorkly]
[Source: Inherit the Mirth]