The Star Wars Jedi Church [Video]
If you don’t have the midi-chlorians, God doesn’t want you, it’s that simple! [Youtube]
If you don’t have the midi-chlorians, God doesn’t want you, it’s that simple! [Youtube]
Here are some of the latest and greatest cartoons from our friends over at Make sure you follow them on Twitter and Facebook to get your daily Twags!
Don’t worry, these guys are using blunt arrows… [Via]
I’m not to sure what to think of this one… what do you think, geeks? [Via]
The best part about Halloween is also the best thing about owning pets: you get to dress them in ridiculously awesome geek costumes. I could flip through pictures of shar-peis-as-Jabba, golden retrievers-as-Spock, or let’s say, I don’t know, beagles-as-Harry Potter. I am a simple man. [Via Comics Alliance] (they are so good to me)
If one day you encounter a single ninja on your path, chances are he’s not alone, so be careful if you decide to fight him. [Via]
Ingredients: Plastic snuf container, wire armature, dried chewing tobacco and glue. “Belt”: electrical and duct tape. [Source: Terry Border]
Cowabunga indeed, Darick! [Source: Darick Maasen | Via Geekologie]
OMG! Best alternate ending *EVER*. [Via Geek Tyrant]