Sonic Screwdrivers: Banned in Action Movies Since 1963 [Video]
There’s a reason you don’t see sonic screwdrivers in action movies. Thanks Patrick!
There’s a reason you don’t see sonic screwdrivers in action movies. Thanks Patrick!
I have no idea what a baby wookiee should look like, but I guess this could pretty much look like one in its newborn state. [Via NA]
Holy crap you guys have to watch this… this is… this is… ahhhhh, forget it, just watch the darn thing. I knew Uwe Boll was… special, but until I watched this, I didn’t know how “special” he really was. It certainly explains a lot on why most of his movies are the way they are. […]
Our friends over at Super Punch have compiled a fairly extensive list of locations where you can download printable Halloween masks. So if you find yourself with no costume for this year’s Halloween, just head over there, download a mask, and stick it over your pretty little geek face. [Dozens of Downloadable Masks – Super […]
Ok, now that you’ve seen this, get back to work! Right now! [Via Unreality Mag | Imgur]
[Via FG]
Warning: Don’t let kids watch this, and don’t watch it at work either. [Via: The Mary Sue]
Coming in 2012 from ThinkGeek. Seriously. [ThinkGeek]
[Via OW]
Ok, so Robotnik finally won… now what? [Source: Dorkly]