A Bad Week For… [Picture]
We’re all doomed, doomed I tell you! [Via MUO]
We’re all doomed, doomed I tell you! [Via MUO]
Facebook should have changed their “like” button to this in honor of the day… [Via NA]
[Source: Dog House Diaries]
This guy probably needs to be on medication… or something. [RespectThePact]
In Bollywood movies,? special effects comes first, mustaches second, and logic last. [Via TechEblog]
Handle Lightsabers with care or risk losing your hand and/or other limbs. Do not use in presence of rebellious children. [Get it @ Splitreason.com – 10% off with promo code “geeksaresexy”]
[GaS] reader Mark just sent in this great video he shot on how he made the Holloween costume he wore yesterday night at a party using 2 iPads and a little fake blood. I went to a Halloween party tonight and had tried out my costume idea of using 2 iPads with a Facetime chat […]
The folks at Google have recently released this brilliant ad showing what a store’s online checkout process might look like in real life to promote their kick ass analytics service. Check it out! [Youtube]
This, ladies and gentlegeeks, is an ewok cat. Now I want to see all of you get up and start dancing the yub nub dance while wearing your favorite furry costume… [Source: Stellar Four]
Ouch… truth hurts, doesn’t it? [Source: Dueling Analogs]