Tweets Twagged by Twaggies [Comics]
Here are some of the latest and greatest cartoons from our friends over at Make sure you follow them on Twitter and Facebook to get your daily Twags!
Here are some of the latest and greatest cartoons from our friends over at Make sure you follow them on Twitter and Facebook to get your daily Twags!
Vampire Bash by António Silva is a 5 second movie created for Greyscale Gorilla’s Monster Bash 5 Second Project. [Via Laughing Squid]
…because everyone needs Wayne Enterprises. [Dorkly]
OMG Jedi squirrels! Humanity is doomed, DOOMED I tell you! Thanks Bryan!
From the same people who brought us that live action Dora the Explorer we featured a few weeks ago, here’s a re-imagined version of the LOTR saga, shot The Office-style. [Via Buzzfeed]
What do you get when you crossbreed a wampa with a pub? A wampug, of course! [Via Geekologie]
[Source: Zac Gorman]
I am a bit of a nut for business cards – I normally change mine on a regular basis – and so I fell off my chair laughing when Burt Flaxton posted an old business card on Reddit which has to go down as one of the best ones ever invented. Check it out: [Via […]
An ode to today’s date by the Koren Ensemble. [Via Neatorama]