Realistically-Overburdened Link
A realistically-encumbered Link by deviantartist WakaBee. Please note that this guy is taking commissions, so if you need to have anything awesome drawn, you might want to check him out. [Via BoingBoing]
A realistically-encumbered Link by deviantartist WakaBee. Please note that this guy is taking commissions, so if you need to have anything awesome drawn, you might want to check him out. [Via BoingBoing]
Nothing like a little Spring inventory cleaning. [Dorkly]
Please know that we, at Geeks are Sexy, will never, ever unfriend you. Seriously! We love you guys too much! [Via [H]]
From Geeks are Sexy reader and cartoonist Byron Mosley: As a huge film nerd, I can ignore the fact that the author of the Twilight books has essentially castrated vampires, but there are underlying themes in her books which I find damaging to impressionable young women. Once again, I’m not trying to shit on people […]
This 12 oz. ceramic mug, with Starfleet insignia, makes transporter sounds every time you set your mug on the platform. Now if only it could actually beam you up a refill of coffee. [$27.95 @ The Neatoshop]
[Via NA]
That’s kind of really sad and pathetic when you think about it… [Source: ShoeBoxBlog | Via CB]
[Source: Doghouse Diaries]
No seriously: You guys are hot. [Eatliver]
Thanks to the power of Threadless community, you can now purchase this fantastic user-created shirt design over at! [Threadless]