The Lando Effect [Comic]
Another awesome comic by [GAS] reader Byron Mosley. Ever wonder how you take down a force user, while you yourself have no power whatsoever? Lando has a way. Lando ALWAYS has a way. Thanks Byron! [Source: Pirate Cake]
Another awesome comic by [GAS] reader Byron Mosley. Ever wonder how you take down a force user, while you yourself have no power whatsoever? Lando has a way. Lando ALWAYS has a way. Thanks Byron! [Source: Pirate Cake]
There are no words to describe how hilariously awesome this is… MUSTARD JAR! [Via]
Star Wars: ANH as told by someone who obviously doesn’t like Star Wars very much… [Youtube]
Just wanted to let you know that we launched our newest video, Modern Warfare 3 Starring Ghost. Ghost was a little upset he wasn’t in the new game so he deiced to “fix it.” Hope you enjoy and as always, thanks for the support! Thanks Blake!
[Via Cubicle Bot]
[Via Buzzfeed]
Skyrim as a Saturday morning cartoon show? I would most definitely watch that! [Via Neatorama]
A series of awesome photographs listing 8 great Internet tips featuring Chacho Puebla’s great-aunt. (Once you click on the first picture, navigate to the next one by hitting the “next” link) [Source: Chacho Puebla | Via BIOTV]
Hmmmm, That sounds like something that could end up being massively profitable. Unfortunately, it looks like the domain is already taken. :( [Source: Dork Tower | Via Geekdad]
Warning: Those of you who are weak-hearted may want to skip this one. I’m kind of out of breath right now…. that was… both hilarious and frightening at the same time. [Joel and Jack]