Pac-Man Plays Skyrim [Video]
Fus Ro Dah!!!!!!!!! [Source: Dorkly]
Fus Ro Dah!!!!!!!!! [Source: Dorkly]
This awesome music video was inspired by the “Things That Are Not Steampunk” category from [Via The Mary Sue]
Icons of Star Trek and Star Wars recently took to the internet arguing that their franchise reigned supreme. When things got personal, George Takei–the only actor who has worked in both–stepped in to broker the peace by identifying a mutual threat. George Takei is an awesome man. [Via]
[Source: Zac Gorman]
These ladies obviously need a little help with their lightsaber technique… but still… the video still isn’t all that bad I guess. [Via Geek Tyrant]
The top 10 memes of 2011 according to [Know Your Meme]
Zombie Christmas ornaments… because no Christmas tree is really complete without a few bloody appendages hanging from it. [Zombie Christmas Ornament]
I’m so terribly sorry… I just had to post this! Ho Ho Ho! [Source: Unknown]
Yep, the headline pretty much sums it up. Nothing to add here. Oh, and for those of you wondering who the hell Yarna D’al’ Gargan, here’s the Wookieepedia entry on her. [Via]
Thanks Pierre-Yves! [Source: Stephen Wildish]