So True: How Video Games Should Be Played vs How They Are Played [Comic]
Yep, that about sums it up! [Via EpicPonyz]
Yep, that about sums it up! [Via EpicPonyz]
Cute! Merry Christmas to all of you awesome geeks at Dorkly too. You guys know we love you, right? :) [Source: Dorkly]
[Via [H]]
[Source: Jason Welborn – A Christmas Story]
The holiday season is here and the Roommates have invited friends over for a bad sweater party… but some unexpected guests want to join in the celebrations too. Thanks Shane!
Hasbro has just released this funny holiday-themed ad to promote their new line of Kre-O Transformers toys. Check it out! [Kre-O]
[Via Geek Tyrant]
Are you familiar with the quantum theory of the pixel? No? Neither was I. Then along comes this fascinating French comic, Bouletcorp, that had me gaping wide-eyed at the computer, saying things like “Whoa” and “Hmm”. I love it when things are explained to me with pictures. Pixels don’t move…their information moves…*head explodes*. [Via Comics […]
Faced with the realisation that we suddenly had room enough to put up our own Christmas tree, I was initially at a loss when considering how to decorate it. We have no ornaments and the idea of shopping for them made me drowsy. I can’t remember what first brought to mind the image of a […]
Thanks Michael! [Source: Unknown | Via]