How Geeks Get Extra Tips
Working in an establishment where tipping is accepted? Here’s a simple way to get some extra money in the tip jar: [Source]
Working in an establishment where tipping is accepted? Here’s a simple way to get some extra money in the tip jar: [Source]
Link… the Triforce will never be mine! [The Devil Inside]
To hell with Dr. Who! All Hail Dr. Hooey! :) Oh, and yes, this comes from the same guy who made that WTF-inducing Star Trek spoof we posted yesterday. Thanks JackNF!
What can be more heartwarming than zombie sloths? [Slothvision]
[Va Joey Devilla]
Share Yes ladies and gentlegeeks, everybody’s favorite air humping heroes are back in action, and once again, they’ve shamelessly exposed themselves to the people of the big apple. Check em’ out! Thanks Scorpion!
This is bad… really bad… in a totally awesome and hilarious way. [Via gtdw]
Share The social shower curtain is the perfect bathroom accessory for all you hardcore Facebook addicts out there. This must-have product will finally allow you to stay in company of “friends” even while you’re away from your favorite social media site. Behold: Available February 2012 Is taking a shower the only time when you’re not […]
I’m having trouble understanding what went through this guy’s mind before doing this… I guess in this case, we’re better off not knowing at all. [Via CB]