Facebook, PLEASE… [Comic]
Love the jpg compression artifacts on this one. :) [Via]
Love the jpg compression artifacts on this one. :) [Via]
[Source: loldwell]
[Source: Behance | Via MUO]
[Source: Dorkly]
[Source: Cookingideas | Via MUO]
Captain’s log, stardate 9522.6: This is the perfect place to drop the Captain’s log. [Via]
Nooooooooooooooo……. [Source: Chiisao]
Warning: Watching this could scar you for life. You’ve been warned. [Xtremescope]
Redditor GraphicPumpkin posted this with the following note a little earlier this week: This is the level of stupidity I have to deal with at asda (UK Walmart) Sigh… I can feel your pain, GraphicPumpkin. [Via]
Clever, isn’t it? [Via]