Pre-Owned Gaming Accessory
Siri here. I believed that since my owner had no brains, he might have some brawn. Unfortunately, that was too optimistic. [Via]
[Source: Shoeboxblog]
An epic battle can only be truly be significant once simulated in Skyrim. Or at least, as far as Skyrim can simulate it.
HULK SPLASH! Apparently, this statue of The Incredible Hulk taking a dump is located in a mall in Seoul, Korea. Can anyone among you guys confirm this? [Via]
Oh Noes! Even our cruisers won’t be able to repel firepower of that magnitude! [Via]
Batman and Supes review the fine points of social media while hanging out in their favorite café. Thanks Mark!
Presented without comments. [Via The Mary Sue]
This is the perfect valentine for that Nerdy person in your life. What exactly is the formal definition for Nerdalicious? It is “the definition of a nerd who is the extreme in his area of nerdology, but is extremely and uncannily attractive nonetheless”. It has a 3-d panel that spells out Nerd using tiles from […]
The only game that’s also a controlled substance. [Source: CH]