Man vs. Cat: FIGHT! [Video]
Obviously no animals were harmed during the making of this video. [Via Buzzfeed]
Obviously no animals were harmed during the making of this video. [Via Buzzfeed]
This, ladies and gentlegeeks, is one of the first toys from Hasbro’s My First Transformers, a new line of preschool transforming toys geared toward children 2 and up. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m not exactly sure what this huge ball is supposed to be doing, especially since it is located.. well… in […]
Share Last month we posted an infographic pitching geeks against nerds and giving the basics on what made each group different. It went viral in a BIG way. Since a lot of you thought that the “geek” featured on the infographic looked a little more like a hipster, we thought you’d appreciate this one comparing […]
Presented without comment. [Via Jack Schofield | NA]
[Source: Shoeboxblog]
What would you do if you saw this guy on a bus? You have to admit – he’s got the look down. Unintentional cosplay? [Via Uber Humor]
I just tried it. It works. [KillaKarisma]
Gotta love a delicious LOTR joke! I don’t know about you, but it’ll never get old for me! [Via Cyanide and Happiness]
Chell and GLaDOS… catified. [Via The Mary Sue]