DIY Food Warmer [Picture]
Hmmm, nice idea, but I’ll pass. This just doesn’t sound like a very sanitary idea! [Via]
Hmmm, nice idea, but I’ll pass. This just doesn’t sound like a very sanitary idea! [Via]
Presented without comment. [Source: ShoeBoxBlog]
Comic author Rob Reid gives you a run-down of a new subject that I’m sure will be available for a Bachelor’s Degree by 2014 at least. Copyright Math involves explaining how despite revenue increases for movies, TV, satellite, cable, and radio are all up; our economy is still making a loss of $58 billion dollars. […]
My eyes had a bit of a spaz when I saw this – even now when I look at it my vision gets blurry because I keep seeing one and then the other. Which do you see first? [Via World of Superheroes]
Presented without comment. [Via]
A collection of compelling travel posters, inspiring the lazy to explore whole new worlds. [Via College Humor]
Warning: Lower the player’s volume as soon as you hit play. The fight gets really loud at one point in the video. Now these are two really pissed cats! [Via OW]
From an untightened bolt to dropping a box of fireworks, this is an incredible collection of incidents where the smallest of errors have resulted in cataclysmic consequences. These guys really crack me up – their site is rather aptly named. The captions to the images are fantastic. Check it out: 6 Tiny Mistakes that Caused […]