My Big Fat Monster Wedding [Pic]
Brings all new meaning to Bridezilla. [Via Ifuckinglovescience]
Brings all new meaning to Bridezilla. [Via Ifuckinglovescience]
Drool… [ohsnapitsjuzdin | via Kicking Ewoks for Fun]
Here are some of the latest and greatest cartoons from our friends over at Make sure you follow them on Twitter and Facebook to get your daily Twags!
What do you get when you combine a reality tv show and scifi? That’s right, dancing cylons. Read more TV Show Hybrids That’ll Never Happen by College Humor. Other notables include Doctor Who Wants To Be a Millionaire and How I Banged Your Mother.
Jimmy Kimmel got some celebrities to read out some mean tweets about themselves. As a way to celebrate Twitter’s 6th anniversary. Seems like an odd birthday present… [via Pleated Jeans]
I think this needs little comment.
It’s…it’s simply genius. Pretty accurate description of how I’d react. [Source: Whompcomic | Via The BDag]
And that’s how it’s done. [Via I fucking love science]
If only I had seen this back in highschool…chemistry would have been so much more fun. [Via Facebook]
One of my Facebook friends posted this on their wall with the simple comment of “Troll Physics”: