Crazy Party Huh? [Comic]
[Source: Virtual Shackles]
[Source: Virtual Shackles]
[Read more from this artist: The Rut]
Ok geeks, this short movie by [GAS] reader Russell Challenger was uploaded to Youtube just a little earlier today, and there’s only 31 views on it so far, which is kind of surprising since this is one of the funniest and awesome fan-made short I’ve seen in a long time! A young and idealistic Bruce […]
The Gotham Board of Tourism would like you to visit their city and have a trip that is 100% Pure Gotham. Thanks Warren! [Awkward Spaceship]
[GAS] reader and friend Holly Golightly, who also happens to be an awesome cartoonist, sent me this funny cartoon strip featuring her, her cat, and the really cool shirt she recently got from us. Check it out! [Schoolbites]
True hipsters know that Instagram is only the first step. This is real commitment to terrible photography. [Via College Humor]
I’d totally go for a giant hamburger that’s been knocked down multiple levels by a fat chef right now… [Dorkly]
Yes, it exists. Soft kitty, Warm kitty, Little ball of fur. Happy kitty, Sleepy kitty, Purr, purr, purr. [Buy it here: The Big Bang Theory Soft Kitty Hoodie]
Holy. Crap. Bet this guy soiled his pants while running away from that bear! [Via [H]]
The concept of “Rage” as illustrated by a short animation from artist Guy Collins. [Guy Collins | Via]