Poor, Realistic Mario… [Animated GIF]
[Via Cracked]
[Via Cracked]
I need this mug right now. Seriously. Thinkgeek, please send me one? :) The Pixel Heart Heat Changing Mug is here to remind you that filling up on health is easy for you. You don’t need to adventure to find pieces of heart. You just walk up to the Caffeinated Potion Machine and pour yourself […]
Cats in Space: A geeky Star Trek spoof featuring cats! Hey, it’s Caturday, so it’s totally ok to post geeky cat videos, right? [Via OW]
After three years of working for Microsoft, Karen Cheng turns in her resignation. Set to a catchy little tune, “Bye, Bye Excel and I.” [Via YouTube]
When your usual Hitch-style sidestepping action isn’t getting you much action, break out the sexy geek and get into a mathematics hoedown. Anyone want to add to this stupendous library of amazing brilliance?
[Via Bitsandpieces]
Yep, that pretty much sums up my experience with most games similar to ME. [Source: Awkward Zombie]
Presented without comment. [Via NA]
Finally: validation for all those late night Red Bulls and Cokes. I’m protecting myself from Mono. [Via Fake Science]
Hmmmm, someone should throw in Jar Jar Binks somewhere in there… but until then, I guess this is still good enough to offend most people on the Internet. [Via Unreality]