The Reason Slow Motion Cameras Were Invented [Video]
Clearly, this is the most intelligent thing I’ve posted today… but somehow, my wife seems to disagree with me. [Via CB]
Clearly, this is the most intelligent thing I’ve posted today… but somehow, my wife seems to disagree with me. [Via CB]
Oh yes… I know that feeling very well. How about you guys? :) [Source: Shoeboxblog]
It’s the famous lobby scene from The Matrix, reshot using stop-motion with food!
This summer, prepare to lose… ALL YOUR MARBLES! :) [Via]
As Season 2 is now well and truly underway, it might be a little bit fun to throw some drinking into the mix at your weekly Game of Thrones gatherings (we know you have them). Though if you actually want to remember what happened in the episode, this might not be the best game to […]
Hankering for Hunger Games? We’ve got it…HISHE style. Take a bite of How The Hunger Games Should Have Ended. The odds are ever in your favor that you’ll see a few surprise guests in this one! [Via The Mary Sue]
I’d definitely prefer seeing a lady wearing a dress made out of Pokemon cards, but I guess this will do for now. [Via Neatorama]
May the horse be with you… oh, and dont forget: Han shot first! [Via IO9]
I’ve seen a few of those guys back when I was going to the gym, but now I do everything at home. Stairmaster in front of the PS4 FTW! [Dontbethatguy]