Super Street Fighter II with a Portal Gun [Video]
Chun-Li and Friends are testing out the new Portal Gun… [Source: thepixelkingdom | Via The Awesomer]
Chun-Li and Friends are testing out the new Portal Gun… [Source: thepixelkingdom | Via The Awesomer]
Well, if you could clone yourself, imagine all the fun you could have. But until science catches up to science fiction, you wear this awesome T-shirt to let the world know that you support cloning. Go Science! Available in many colors, sizes, and fits! [Support Cloning: It could be awesome! – $14.95]
I stood on the edge of my seat for the whole 3 minutes of the video, cheering for the little guy to keep on climbing that evil treadmill that only wants the slinky off its back! [Via Neatorama]
“Hulk Smashes the Kardashians Kardashiens” by Redditor Greenconverse11’s 10-year-old son. [Source]
A music video featuring Sephiroth having a lousy day at the office? What a brilliant idea! :) [Via Topless Robot]
They wanted pizza, they’ll settle for mushrooms. Go Troopa, Go Troopa, Go. [Get it @ – 10% off with promo code “geeksaresexy” | Official Geeks are Sexy T-Shirt Store]
If you’ve been to Disney World during the Star Wars Weekends, I’m sure you’ll agree with me that this is one of the most memorable moments one can experience while visiting “the happiest place on earth.” Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend this year, but I plan on going back as soon as my youngest […]
All explained with such clarity. One for the biologists to have a little giggle at. Not sure how I feel about the altered spelling of Genus though… [Via Fake Science]
[Via Epicponyz]
After seeing the Dalek wedding cake toppers we posted a few days ago, [GAS] reader Lee sent us a picture of the top of his wedding cake featuring a pair of bride and groom daleks. This was from our wedding in August (last year). Daleks were off the end of Doctor Who pencils. Sadly they […]