The Wampa Rug [Pic]
The perfect decorative accessory to lay on top of your bed… or in front of a roaring fireplace. You know you want one. [Wampa Rug]
The perfect decorative accessory to lay on top of your bed… or in front of a roaring fireplace. You know you want one. [Wampa Rug]
Without hesitation, a most ambitious bear of Skyrim takes on the role of Dragonborn along with all of the responsibilities. [Via]
Yeah, I know, if you’ve got a dirty mind, it would be quite easy to interpret that headline in another way, but please, let’s keep it classy, Geeks. [Via]
[Source: Kitchen Fun with my 3 Sons | Via]
Hmmmm… shawarma! :) [HISHE]
In a recent news broadcast about the Syrian Conflict on BBC, the newscaster very seriously and directly delivers the news about the current situation while the graphic behind her implies that Master Chief and the heroes of the United Nations Space Command are getting involved. Those Syrians are asking for it now! BBC has acknowledged […]
[Via I
That’s it, I’m hooked. This is now my new very favorite song in all the universe… until a another one comes to replace it! :) I mean, there’s no possible way someone could go wrong by having a music video featuring bacon, a dancing and singing robot, and a narwhal. Plus, I was feeling kind […]
[Source: Unknown | Via Buzzfeed]
Watch everything you do: Someone, somewhere could be watching you right now! [Via]