Father’s Day Disappointment Via Twaggies
We thought this was pretty funny for today. Check out more hilarious tweets illustrated over at Twaggies.com.
We thought this was pretty funny for today. Check out more hilarious tweets illustrated over at Twaggies.com.
A seemingly innocent picture up-loader is confronted about her double life. [nicepieceproductions]
Yep, a lot of the things that happen in Prometheus do not seem to make a whole lot of sense, and this guy makes a pretty good compilation of them. [RedLetterMedia]
Ok, so it’s not actually that geeky, but it was just too hilarious not to post. Go bunny, go! [Meanwhile Russia via TubeCrunch]
I think my favourite part is that Call Me Maybe is the soundtrack. ;) [Via YouTube]
Tesla versus Edison – let the lightning round begin. [Get the t-shirt @ Thinkgeek.com | Via I fucking love science]
Oh yes…oh yes. I’m speechless. [Via Shakespeare Tonight, original author unknown]
Yes, our time has finally come. The bullies can now know the terror they so like to instil as we wield our powers of technology to deliver far more frightening threats than a man with muscles could ever terrorise us with! Muahahaha. P.S. I have no idea how to hack into a Facebook account. Dang. […]
LOL. That certainly made my day. :) [CH]
[Source | Via]