Optimus Prime on The Importance of Prostate Exams [Video]
Optimus has been peeing an awful lot lately… [Adult Swim]
Optimus has been peeing an awful lot lately… [Adult Swim]
Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping! oh man! [CH]
I, for one, welcome our new minuature robot overlords. PX-Micron and Calculord 3 are homeless and deranged, and spend their days in the park laughing at humans and planning their invasion of Earth. They also enjoy performing electronic music and dance routines. They run on four AA batteries. [IamTHErobots]
Great Scott! It is the Future!! Hold your horses there McFly, that image above is a simple but apparently effective photoshopping of the time console in the Back to the Future DeLorean. It is fake. Just like the one someone made two years ago that had everyone calling 2010 “The Future” Yesterday, this image was […]
Warning: Video contains strong language. [Dorkly]
The perfect shirt for all the geeky cubicle dwellers reading us. [$15 + Free Shipping @ Shirt Woot]
An hilariously awesome parody of Gotye’s Somebody That I Used To Know based on the Star Wars movie franchise. Thanks Eddie! [teddiefilms]
Ok, before you guys hit play on the video below, please be aware that this “news report” comes from the Onion and that it is not meant to be taken seriously, Mmmkay? I don’t want any of you hundreds of kickstarter users that email me each week begging for exposure to start spamming my inbox […]
LARPing – that is, Live Action Role Playing – is one of those things that once you’re engaged in it, you can quite safely claim epic geek status. There’s an awesome LARP group near me that I’ve been meaning to join and haven’t had the time. This show only urges me to go forth and […]
This is awesome! Seriously! If you’re a Deadpool fan, You need to watch this, like, right now. Marvel’s popular crimson assassin has been hired to take out a specific target. Kill the man, get the cash. The problem is, he’s not the only one on the job. [Via]