New Tweets Inducted into the Twitter Hall of Fame [Comics]

Here are some of the latest and greatest cartoons from our friends over atย We like to think of the tweets they illustrate as inductees into the Twitter Hall of Fame, preserving them for posterity. Make sure you follow Twaggies onย Twitterย andย Facebookย (and Instagram @twaggies) to get your daily Twags!  

Robo Redneck: A Music Video Featuring the Zac Brown Band

I’m not a particularly big fan of this type of music, but in this case, I have to make an exception! :) An animated, guitar-shredding, big game hunting robot stars in the latest Zac Brown Band video for “The Wind,” directed by Mike Judge (King of the Hill, Beavis and Butthead) and produced by Titmouse […]

Black and Yellow: Baratheon Edition [Game of Thrones-Themed Rap]

A hip-hop homage to the three Baratheon brothers from Game of Thrones and their claims to the Iron Throne of Westeros. The song takes place roughly between book/season one and two. This song is a parody of Wiz Khalifa’s “Black and Yellow,” written and performed by Nathan Cox and Andy Davison with additional vocals by […]