Holy Sunbathing Batmen, Batman! [Pic]
[Via Blastr]
[Via Blastr]
[Source: Cyanide and Happiness @ Explosm.net]
The dragons have returned and only by harnessing the beast’s own power can the realm be saved. Sounds easy, right? There are many ways Skyrim could have ended. Here is one uncontrolled possibility. [HISHE]
[Source: 1,2]
Is there such a thing as bacon hell, where all you eat is bacon and all you do is bathe all day in boiling bacon fat? [Via Neatorama]
In a world dominated by a gang of nasty super villains called the Just Us League, it’s up to a motley crew of unemployed super heroes to take them on. That’s the premise for this parody superhero comic and it totally had me hooked. It looks and sounds like an absolutely hilarious read! I would suppose […]
[Source: Brian @ Shoeboxblog]
After all, he is only human. [Via Beartoons]
Funny and mostly true… What’s your biggest texting peeve? [swoozie06]
A short Portal film, loosely made in the style of a Team Fortress 2 ‘Meet The Team’ video. Featuring several of the favourite cores, and a couple of new ones! [Harry101UK | Via The Awesomer]