Fake Science 101: A Complete(ly inaccurate) Guide to the Universe

It can be hard to understand all of that messy stuff they call ‘science’. Why not let Fake Science help you understand the really difficult questions about astronomy, making babies, lighting things on fire and how styrofoam came into the world. Check out the book on the Fake Science Page – selling for only $11.53 […]

Google+ Gets Back at the Oatmeal

So in usual Oatmeal fashion, Matthew Inman had a poke at Google+ about their lack of engagement. He also had a bit of a giggle on Google+ itself about the lack of the ability to customise URLs – joking that he has to direct people to http://plus.google.com/blergasdf1234thimbleturdorgasm99meatpoopypoopxv9donkeypie in order to get to the Oatmeal’s page. How does […]