Xenomon: Gotta Kill Em All!
For those of you not quite sure why it’s “Xenomon” – look up the meaning of “Xenomorphs“. Get it on a T-shirt or hoodie. Or a Sticker! [Via Geekosystem]
For those of you not quite sure why it’s “Xenomon” – look up the meaning of “Xenomorphs“. Get it on a T-shirt or hoodie. Or a Sticker! [Via Geekosystem]
Now that’s an awesome pony. [By FooRay | Via Geek+]
If videogames were all members of your social group, this might be the type of friend each one is. Love it. [by Dorkly | Via Nerd Approved]
Darth Vader is just full of hot air. [Via Andi Wolfe on Google+]
I imagine this would have taken MysteryGuitarMan quite some time to do. It’s cool to make something as boring as Excel actually interesting! Although, by the looks of things it’s actually the OpenOffice spreadsheet program rather than Microsoft Excel (just to be picky). [Via Flavorwire]
Recently we posted Fistful of Rupees, where The Legend of Zelda was reimagined as a Western. Now we can only imagine the same thing applied to Star Wars – something that artist Timothy Anderson actually did imagine in these posters: [You can buy these posters (along with a bunch of Timothy Anderson’s other awesome […]
Now that would be a SATC sequel I could get into. [Via GeekoSystem]
Don’t believe me? Go into street view for the address “343 Hull Road, York, England, YO10 3, United Kingdom” and you will see that beautiful blue box. Edit: Map embedded below. There’s even a Cyberman and two Daleks a little to the right. View Larger Map Google sees all, even you Doctor.
With all this Mars hype, the poor Moon is feeling a bit blue. [Via I Fucking Love Science]
Ok it’s not super nerdy but it’s still pretty funny right? God is a DJ, Life is a dance floor… [A friend’s cover photo]