Game of Thrones House Sigils: The Video Game Families Edition [Pics]
HRRARGGHGLLGGH! [Source: Dorkly]
HRRARGGHGLLGGH! [Source: Dorkly]
Ouch. Truth certainly hurts, doesn’t it? We loved ‘The Avengers’… but you guys demanded this one! From God of the Nerds Joss Whedon, comes our honest commentary on Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk and the rest of that bluetooth obsessed government agency. Oh, and just so you know, the movie was released on DVD […]
[Via MUO]
From The Living Brick: New for 2012: Finally, you can now own your very own copy of this internet sensation! Redesigned from the ground up, this version will look gorgious atop your bookshelf, mantlepiece or high performance gaming workstation. Guaranteed to make you the envy of the Geekosphere. But hurry, only 100 of these have […]
When the hunger games gets boring a new challenge is added to the arena. Watch out for the Slender Man! [Hishe]
Nerd approved is promoting this awesome nerdy shirt and it made me LOL to think about if an animals joined the X-Men. Sounds like an awful spin-off, though perhaps seeing a dog dressed as Wolverine being brought around trick-or-treating might be rather amusing. Get 15% off using the codes “CHEAPASS15” or “buytees15”. [$18.95 from Split […]
After how to describe Game of Thrones to different people, here’s a similar comic, but for those who need to talk about Doctor Who to people around them. [Source: Caldwell Tanner at College Humor] My friends and I have been laughing at this for weeks. If this were an actual children’s game, I’d fear for the world and restaurant owners across the country.
The two geeks @ Fine Brothers Productions just sent me this fun video they just released: We have a new video starring Alison Haislip of “Attack of the Show” fame, where she plays a geek of a girl, trying to roleplay with her boyfriend, but when he fails to recognize her nerd references, it has […]
M or W? :) [Psyguy @]