Honest Trailers: The Avengers [Video]

Ouch. Truth certainly hurts, doesn’t it? We loved ‘The Avengers’… but you guys demanded this one! From God of the Nerds Joss Whedon, comes our honest commentary on Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk and the rest of that bluetooth obsessed government agency. Oh, and just so you know, the movie was released on DVD […]

Geektastic Gift Idea: The Standard “LEGO” Model

From The Living Brick: New for 2012: Finally, you can now own your very own copy of this internet sensation! Redesigned from the ground up, this version will look gorgious atop your bookshelf, mantlepiece or high performance gaming workstation. Guaranteed to make you the envy of the Geekosphere. But hurry, only 100 of these have […]