This Guy Will Never Accidentally Text the Wrong Person Ever Again [Pic]
[Via CB]
[Source: Sketchamagowza]
From the creator of one of the most beloved horror sci-fi films of all time comes … this. Discover the biggest mysteries of the summer – like why they made it. Oh, and speaking of Prometheus, the Blu-ray is coming out next week, and you can pre-order it on right here for just $19.99 […]
[Source: Explosm]
I love the Idea Channel and what they come up with but this…this makes me believe. I now wish to build a TARDIS shaped shrine, in which I will enter, meditate in order to believe that it is bigger on the inside, and slowly chant “wibbly wobbly timey wimey”. Let’s hope Whovianism gets recognised in […]
Disney Princesses are Hipsters! With Snow White, Ariel, Cinderella and Belle! [Via Neatorama]
You’ve got to love how Sesame Street can make a parody of just about anything (including such an incredible, and much more adult, show like Boardwalk Empire) into a lesson for the kids and hoot for the grown ups. No pun intended there. [Sesame Street Via Geekosystem]