Mario’s Ex Girlfriend [Video]
But babe, it’s not-a like that! [Dorkly]
But babe, it’s not-a like that! [Dorkly]
So…Pippin knocks a skeleton down a well. Next thing you know a cave troll is smashing down the doors and attacking the Fellowship. An overreaction you say? Maybe. But you never saw WHY the troll was so upset, did you? Well, now you know why. Poor troll. [Via Kotaku]
Deviant art user BillWalko drew this awesome mash-up of the Mad Men (and Women) of Arkham Asylum. The Riddler’s focus group questions are maddening. Two-Face is obsessed with 2-for-1 offers. Poison Ivy has founded a go-green movement. And the Joker keeps running out of pencils. But at the end of a rough day, Harley Quinn […]
Too bad the real movie isn’t starring these cats, else I’d probably be running to the closest movie theater on October 12th. [Via]
I’m not called “Lauren PunchyButtons” for nothing… [Via imgur]
These are adorable, especially with ‘Star Wars Reads Day’ that happened last weekend all across the U.S! [Via BuzzFeed]
[Source: C-Section Comics]
That video of a Lamp Raiden playing the guitar (one of the many clips featured in the video above) is one of my favorite Youtube music clips ever. Be sure to watch it after if you’ve never seen that guy play. [Buzzfeed]
[Via Reddit]
Yes, especially THAT one… [Via Cheezburger]