‘Hitchcock’ “Turn Off Your Phones” PSA Plays in Theaters [Video]
Don’t you hate it when people talk or text during a movie? Well, so does Alfred Hitchcock. In fact, it makes him…(wait for it)…PSYCHO! http://youtu.be/rY-59UgAs8M [Via YouTube]
Don’t you hate it when people talk or text during a movie? Well, so does Alfred Hitchcock. In fact, it makes him…(wait for it)…PSYCHO! http://youtu.be/rY-59UgAs8M [Via YouTube]
Sauron decided not to go with the crowd and buy a smartphone. So when there was a little bit of a lull in the whole, you know, that everyone trying to overthrow him thing, he needed something to do. What better way to pass the time than to use the One Ring as a hula […]
Ah, so thatโs the winning TV show writing formula. I should really get started on that killer tv show ideaโฆ Do you think this is an accurate representation of The Walking Dead or is it the best show of all time and this is total blasphemy? [TIH | Via Nerd Approved]
So geeks, do you agree? Let us know in the comments section below! [Source: Andy Kluthe and Andrew Bridgman @ Dorkly.com]
Send this video to someone with FWP and let them know how much we care… [nigahiga]
Not only does it feature David Lo Pan himself, actor James Wong Hong, but it’s John Carpenter-approved! He brought it with him to “Screamfest” in Los Angeles last weekend! [via io9]
[Source: Guilherme Batista | Via Blastr]
What could possibly go wrong?? [Via YouTube]
Luke doesn’t know quite what to make of the Dark PSYde of the Force… [Via YouTube]
A cool shirt from the guys over at RiptApparel. $10, today only! What if the Doctor’s enemies were reprogrammed by the Empire to hunt for the rebels? [$10 @ Riptapparel.com – Today Only!]