Dog Bane [Picture]
Once you have picked up my poop, then I give you permission to die. [Source]
Once you have picked up my poop, then I give you permission to die. [Source]
Here’s what one day might happen to us if we keep on “disrespecting” our food. A totally fun and crazy movie project featuring sushi chefs fighting giant sea monsters. [Monster Roll]
I wouldn’t say that the displays make the prank look all that real, but I guess that these people didn’t really have much time to ponder about the realism of the situation. [Via]
This one is my favorite “Gangnam Style” parody video yet! [Via YouTube]
Yes, Halloween is just around the corner. And no, you probably didn’t have time to decorate. I mean, really, who has time? But don’t worry. Take a deep breath and let me show you all the horrifying items you can assemble to scare your trick-or-treaters and/or friends on the big night of nights. You’ll be […]
Pippin and Merry need to learn a bit of discretion when it comes to their pranks. They forget that people like Aragorn take things a bit too seriously. Also, there are REAL spooks out in the forest too. [BrotherhoodWorkshop]
Note: Video might not be safe for work. This, geeks, is what we usually look like after having a few drinks too many. Keep that in mind at that upcoming Halloween party next week! [enchufetv]
An AWESOME new parody by our friends over at Comediva, the sexiest, most amazing, intelligent, witty, and hilarious ladies you can find online. [Comediva]
So…this starts off as a way-too-late Star Wars parody of Gangnam Style and then…well, becomes something that is just a little horrifying from the perspective of a professional blogger. Though, perhaps, rather amusing to everyone else. In a dark way. *considers doing something more inline with the goals I had when I was seven* Ooh […]
Holy supercut of Robin saying “holy,” Batman! [Via TDWG]