Leonard Cohen Sings ‘Baby Got Back’ – Because Even Big Butts Deserve a Hallelujah!

Ever wonder what would happen if Leonard Cohen got really into Sir Mix-A-Lot? Well, thanks to Dustin Ballard of There I Ruined It, we now know! Using AI wizardry, Ballard took Matt Bull’s vocals and turned “Baby Got Back” into a soulful, melancholic anthem—complete with Cohen’s signature sound. Picture this: “I like big butts, and […]

Rain or Shine, This Meteorologist Rocks the Mic with Song Lyrics!

Forget boring weather reports! Adam Krueger, the chief meteorologist at FOX 11 Los Angeles, is here to rock your world—literally. This guy has mastered the art of inserting song lyrics into his forecasts. From “Enter Sandman” by Metallica to “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen, Krueger’s got more hits than your favorite jukebox! Check out a few […]