“Minecraft Style” – A Parody of PSY’s Gangnam Style [Music Video]
One of the best gangnam style parody I’ve seen. This one goes right next to Comediva’s awesome Klingon Style video. [CaptainSparklez]
One of the best gangnam style parody I’ve seen. This one goes right next to Comediva’s awesome Klingon Style video. [CaptainSparklez]
“Up where Ewoks…a podrace course…up where Anakin uses the Force Han and Chewy, now with Disney They bought ‘Star Wars’ “… [Via YouTube]
[Source: Endless Origami | Via NA]
Yep, definitely the chart I would have up at home when I have kids. [Source: Time for Hugs! | Via I f* love science]
Called Dragon Baby, but really, he’s wearing Bruce Lee’s outfit from Game of Death…but I suppose it’s to keep consistency with the name of his sister, Iron Baby. Regardless, awesome baby kung-fu action. That teddy dragon never stood a chance. [Patrick Boivin]
[Via CB]
[Via Cheezburger | NA]
The perfect cake topper for the hardcore gamer in your life! Seeing a version where the roles are inverted would be awesome too! [Source: Kim Rom | Via]
This is the story of Patrick Chesterfield II: Famed British explorer, knighted servant to the queen, daring pursuer of unknown lands…and cat. During an expedition to the wild frontiers of Burbank, Patrick the Great did something entirely out of character. He was captured. Can Patrick outwit his furless human captor? Watch this never before seen […]
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, it cannot be true! [Via]