It’s Caturday: Cat Pretends to be Mario [Video]
A rather funny, and mostly annoying, music video celebrating various Internet memes by the folks from Mashable. I’m so sorry. :) [Mashable]
Warning: Video contains strong language. Awwwwwwkkkkkkkwwwaaaaaaarrrrrrddddd! [HSTSketchComedy]
Watch Superman and Batman as they sit down to have a little chat about the new Man of Steel trailer. Bacause I’M BATMAN! [HISHEdotcom | Via LS]
Warning: Do not try this at home, or in fact, anywhere. While the introduction is fairly amusing, it does make the video pretty long. But, it’s kinda worth it, because watching flaming liquid flying through the air in slow motion is pretty damned awesome. [The Slow Mo Guys Via Laughing Squid] takes tweets and turns them into cartoons, which they’ve been doing since 2009. We thought this one was particularly appropriate for today. Follow @twaggies on Twitter and (shhh) Instagram.
It’s probably going to be a little hot outside today, but hey, I hope it won’t prevent you from enjoying your day! …and meanwhile, in Australia: [Via]
A joyous party of orcs is merrily desecrating Fangorn Forest…and Treebeard isn’t too happy about it. Also, Gollum is lurking somewhere in this video, can you find him? [BrotherhoodWorkshop]
[GAS] reader Rachel just sent me a picture of her brother in law’s Dalek Chrismas tree, and while I’ve already posted one a few days ago, I had to inlude this one on the site as well since it comes from one of you guys! Thanks Rachel!
An excerpt of a guy speaking Venusian on Patrick Moore’s (4 March 1923 – 9 December 2012) programme, One Pair Of Eyes, in 1969. [kevgater | Via The Presurfer]