Legolas is a Free Elf! [Comic]
LULZ. [Via 9GAG]
LULZ. [Via 9GAG]
A game of fruit ninja in real life… in slow motion! [scottdw | Via] A quick brainstorming session before a new D&D campaign ends… rather badly. [HarnikRocks]
Another day, another amazing user submitted geeky Christmas tree! This one comes from [GAS] reader Ames and was inspired by the game Portal. But Ames, there’s only one problem with your picture: where’s the portal gun?
Seems like all generations have their own version of this speech. As far as I’m concerned, the 80’s were better, but that’s just me! [Ukinojoe]
[Source: The Joy of Tech]
[Source: Dorkly]
The guy on the bottom right? Yep, that’s what happens to me all the time! [Via MUO]
This totally awesome Cthulhumas tree was created by Maika, co-editor over at the Geyser of Awesome, and should be admired only while listening to something like I Saw Mommy Kissing Yog-Sototh or Freddy the Red Brained Mi-Go. Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn. [Source: Geyser of Awesome | Via Neatorama]
[9Gag | Via FG]