Straight from the depths of R’lyeh to your breakfast table…enjoy the flavors of the Deep Ones and raise your anxiety with a hearty bowl of CTHULOOPS every morning! Available until December 30th for $15 on gimmicktees.com. [Cthuloops]
Straight from the depths of R’lyeh to your breakfast table…enjoy the flavors of the Deep Ones and raise your anxiety with a hearty bowl of CTHULOOPS every morning! Available until December 30th for $15 on gimmicktees.com. [Cthuloops]
The world may still be there for now, but if grumpy cat has something to say about it, we may not be there for much longer. [Simon Johnson]
[Source: iguanamouth]
A video mashup of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit with Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games by the folks from Flashback Films. Enjoy! [flashbackmovie]
Yeah, this is an ad, but it’s an hilarious one, and considering what we’ll probably all be eating the the next few days, it’s really appropriate. [Via Neatorama]
A list of the 5 least viral videos of 2012 as compiled by Conan and his team. [teamcoco]
…it’s not any MORE ridiculous than the Star Wars one, right? [Via Jawiin]
Iron Man knows his stuff when it comes to Christmas sweaters. [Source: m7781 | Via Neatorama]
Ho ho ho! [Via]