Gollum vs. Smeagol: The Rap Battle [Video]
A rap battle featuring Gollum against Smeagol, now how awesome is that? [ExtremelyDecentFilms]
A rap battle featuring Gollum against Smeagol, now how awesome is that? [ExtremelyDecentFilms]
Remember in Contra for the NES, when you were in 2 player mode and had no remaining lives, you could steal a life from your partner by holding A and B simultaneously. Oh those were the days… [shamoozal]
We all know cats have become the superstars of the online humor community. There’s grumpy cat, there’s the gazillion lolcats photos and my personal favourite โ cats that look like pinup girls. However, the fascination and obsession with cats doing rather odd things (like barking!) was not a creation of the World Wide Web. In […]
[Source: pedrotpredator | Via]
Yes, being the IT guy often totally suck, and after working for 15 years in the field, I can confirm that most of what is in this infographic is unfortunately all too true, especially the part about what people expect from us in our everyday job. [Source: ORSYP]
Yep, that’s pretty much spot on. [Source: Brian @ Shoeboxblog]
Think again. Posted with a simple “I don’t think people understand how lonely I am on facebook”, Libby Cooper proceeded to post the following images of her pretty epic cover photos. You’ll excuse the bad photoshopping for the sheer hilarity! [Libby Cooper Via Buzzfeed]
An animated review of some of the games that were released in 2012. Love the bit about Diablo III! :) [Fatfinger]A
Gordon Tarpley recreated the iconic scene from A Christmas Story…but with a geekier twist. [Via Nerd Bastards]
Warning: Video contains strong language. And if you can’t enlist them right away, be sure to send them a few of these pin-up girls propaganda posters. If this doesn’t bring them over, nothing will. [HelloGreedo]