“Please Sit Down, My Love” (Comic)
Is this true, Guys? [Sketch MacQ / Too Many Ideas]
Is this true, Guys? [Sketch MacQ / Too Many Ideas]
[Via Something Awful | IHC]
Warning: Flashing multi-color lights. Original prank call by Earles & Jensen. Dedicated to all the chaotic good elves of the world. [Source: EightyFourFilms | Via LS]
Take a regular bottle of Patron tequila, wave your wand around, and poof, you’ve now got some Expector Patronum tequila on hand! [Via Plaited-Jeans]
I know a few people who should watch this cartoon. :) [aspshorts]
Even though it’s already been 5 years, the guys over at Screen Junkies have decided to create an “honest trailer” for what is arguably the worst Indiana Jones movie of all time, Indiana Jones & The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull. Get Ready for George Lucas to ruin another legendary franchise as we join Indiana […]
I’m not too sure that even human parents would be too impressed with the legend of Vin Diesel. [College Humor]
I just love this new series by Ze Frank. After True Facts about the Angler Fish and True Facts About the Seahorse, here comes True Facts About The Tarsier. I still prefer the legendary video listing “true facts” about the honey badger though. [Ze Frank]
The folks over at Complex Gaming have made a series of fact sheets listing various nutritional facts about some food items featured in popular video games, both old and new. What if some of the popular foods in video games were real? The Food and Drug Administration would surely step in to let us know […]
[Source: Toothpaste for Dinner]