How to Look Badass: Chin Down, Eyes Up [Vid]
The secret to perfect box art is revealed! [RoccoB64]
The secret to perfect box art is revealed! [RoccoB64]
This simple guide will help any wizard seeking to defeat a Middle-Earth antagonist. [LOTR Project]
That’s it, Gandalf is an egoistical jerk. [Via]
Too bad this is a fake conversation, the real one, if it ever occurred, was probably a little more mature than this. [Source: DORKLY]
We’ve posted Part 1 and Part II in 2011, and now, here’s part III! Enjoy! [FinalCutKing] Yep, this is narrated by Q himself. Yes, I’m talking about this Q. Enjoy this piece of animation I had a lot of fun in doing it! Me and more contributors worked really hard to make this happen and I hope you’ll like it. This has been posted with Permission since I have worked […]
JJ Abrams gets a call from… Darth Vader! (And yeah, in case you haven’t heard yet, J.J. Abrams will indeed be directing the new Star Wars movie) [Sneaky Zebra]
[Source: Twaggies – Mashable]
Since it’s Monday morning and we all need something to put a little sunshine in our day, here’s a video of a beatboxing goat just for you guys. No need to thank me. [Salazaren | Via Salut Bonjour]
Didn’t you know? Unicorns come from hell! Yes they do! [BlankTV]