Gummy Bear Art: It’s a Boy!
[Source: Crummy Gummy]
[Source: Crummy Gummy]
This is really cute, but why is there only one female character? I send out the challenge for someone to draw The Simpsons‘ female characters as superheroes…or supervillains, whichev. [Source: Terry Ververgaert]
Even though it starts a little slow, you guys have to keep on watching to see the various rides showcased in this fake documentary for something called “The Centrifuge Brain Project.” Check it out! [Via]
[Via Star Wars Daily Tumblr]
Editor’s note: This was sent to [GAS] contributor JLister today. John, you’re one lucky geek. And for those who don’t get it right away:
Happy Valentines Day! We put the infamous “Spider-Man upside down kiss” to the test at Utah State University. Special thanks to all of those who took our “survey.” [Stuart Edge]
I may not over 40 yet, but as a dad who’s approaching that dreaded age, this this really made me laugh! Enjoy! [TheWarnerSound]
Megasteakman does Wreck it Ralph in Live Action, telling the whole story of the film in 60 seconds for the virgin radio fake film festival! [Megasteakman | Virgin Radio Fake Film Festival]
I am a geek. I also love football. (GASP!) I watched nearly every single East Coast NFL game that was televised this past football season (Rise Up!!), in addition to the Super Bowl, natch. Pixar animator James Madison took his fandom to the next level by humorously illustrating some memorable games of the season…including The […]
[Via NA | The One Ring]