An Accurate Answer [Picture]
[Via CB]
[Via CB]
Which made me think of: [Via Reddit]
So geeks, how many Star Wars characters can you spot in this video? And how many are just orcs wearing Star Wars helmets? The Orcs were surfing the internet on their coffee break and noticed the popularity of the Harlem Shake videos. And this is what they decided to do. Sigh….not even orcs are safe […]
[Via MUO]
‘Don’t know what it is? Better smack it!’ – flawless cat logic. [Meanwhile in Russia]
Gary Gale is a geo technologist, a geographer – a “self professed geek with a life”. Hailing from London, his realm of geekdom centers around maps. His “Vaguely Rude Place Names of the World” exhibits his geek-level passion for cartography in having collated some of the world’s cities that have rather…amusing names. At least in […]
Comic Book Resources recently issued a challenged to its fans: “Pick a comic character (or two) and have them replace a member(s) of a famous band. Spider-Man as the lead singer of the Rolling Stones, etc.” You can see them all here, but here is a sampling: [Via Xombie Dirge]
Lettuce beard: The ultimate grocery store superhero. [Via Obvious Winner]