Online Bath Shower Curtains
Now you too can pretend that you’re an online star thanks to this Youtube-inspired bath shower curtain! And there’s a Facebook-themed one too! [Youtube-Inpired Bath Shower Curtain | Facebook-Inspired Bath Shower Curtain]
Now you too can pretend that you’re an online star thanks to this Youtube-inspired bath shower curtain! And there’s a Facebook-themed one too! [Youtube-Inpired Bath Shower Curtain | Facebook-Inspired Bath Shower Curtain]
Ze Frank inspired himself from 33 Animals Who Are Extremely Disappointed In You to create this amusing song that should put a smile on your face for the weekend. Source: [Ze Frank | Via Laughing Squid]
That moment when you kiss your social life goodbye after getting sucked into a TV series. [swoozie06] Now I have to wonder how the guy reacted when he learned that Leia is Luke’s sister, especially after that passionate kiss they shared in The Empire Strikes Back. [Via]
There is no why, there is only nerd rage. [Source: Cracked]
You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry… because it’s kind of… pathetic. [OfficialComedy]
Stan teams up with the crew at How It Should Have Ended to give his take on improvements for some classic films! [worldofheroes]
May the frost be with you! [Source: George Takei]
Warning: Video contains strong language. Also, this might be the most WTF video you see all week. Entertaining though. Two prepubescent brothers enter an epic battle over their most cherished possession, a Blade II action figure. No…seriously. That’s actually what the movie’s about. Watch it, you’ll see I’m totally telling you the truth. In this […]
Remember the trailer for The Big Lebowski? Well, now it’s been re-imagined — shot-for-shot — with Doctor Who characters! [Bob Mitsch / Via io9]