Girls Impersonating Arnold Schwarzenegger [Video]
It’s not a toomah! [fatawesomefilms]
It’s not a toomah! [fatawesomefilms] Boom. This wins the Internet. I’m so sorry. [Mowtendoo]
Yep geeks, this was apparently published in the Sunday, October 13, 1912 edition of The Salt Lake Tribune, so it must be true! The Giant All-Seeing Eyeball was hoisted high in the Tribune, given supposed life by the very highly capable astronomer W.W. Campbell (1862-1930, with his biography here at the National Academy of Science), […]
Now someone please make a dog version of this! [Source: GQ | Via FG]
[Source: loadingartist] There’s an intruder in this video, Can you spot him? The four hobbit are happily cooking dinner at Weathertop. They don’t realize that Nazgul have a keen sense of smell….and they are hungry. [brickshowtv]
Before you play BioShock: Infinite, let’s have one last dance in Rapture. [Source: CH]
I’m a faithful DragonCon attendee and securing a hotel room for that annual September convention is equivalent to road rage on a gridlocked interstate. I can’t even imagine how much worse it is for San Diego Comic-Con… [Source: The Gutters]
Available in many styles, sizes, and colors. [Chemical Avengers, ASSEMBLE! – $14.95]
The perfect video to celebrate the newly arrived spring season… even though there’s still a foot of snow outside right now. Do svidaniya Winter! [Source: scottdw | Via]