Looks Familiar: Goodbye Work Computer… [Pic]
A comic based on a tweet by @yoyoha. [Source: Twaggies]
A comic based on a tweet by @yoyoha. [Source: Twaggies]
A simple way to turn a lime into Michelangelo from TMNT! [Source: David Schwen | Via]
Here is a video of my reaction after I dug a little deeper to learn if this product was fake or not. Sigh. [Via Neatorama | Foodiggity]
Yep, that describes my day fairly accurately. [Via]
Two new video from the “True Facts” series by Ze Frank. Enjoy! [Ze Frank | EarthUnpluggedTV]
The Doctor Puppet, based on Doctor Who, finds a strange note on his TARDIS that leads him on a mysterious adventure. Who will he meet along the way? [Nerdist]
46 years later, 82-year-old William Shatner and The Gorn meet again to settle an old unresolved affair. Who will win? Watch the video to find out! [Via Topless Robot]
[Source: Virtual Shackles | Via Dorkly]
Hey, wait a minute, what is this stormtrooper bunny holding under its arm? Certainly not a moon! [Via Neatorama]
Yep, that makes sense. [Via IHC]