X-Men Origins: Cyclops Cat [Vid]
Behold, the X-Men franchise has a new character: Cyclops Cat! [Kaipotainment | Via OW]
Behold, the X-Men franchise has a new character: Cyclops Cat! [Kaipotainment | Via OW]
This is hilarious. [Team Pwnicorn / Via Funny or Die]
[Source: Brian @ Shoeboxblog]
Deadpool goes to WonderCon 2013 in Anaheim, CA, and as usual, he turns the place into a big party. Oh, and if you haven’t looked at our awesome WonderCon 2013 picture gallery yet, be sure to check it out right here! [D Piddy]
OMG. I normally wouldn’t post this, but I spent the last 3 minutes crying from laughter over this video. I’m so sorry. And now back to our regularly scheduled programming. :) [Via LS]
This guy is brilliant. Be sure to watch his other videos if you haven’t seen them yet! –Smeagol Sings Mad World [Video] –Gollum Sings Les Miserables’ I Dreamed A Dream [Video]
Some cool shirts featuring illustrations by artist Kenny Durkin. Available in many styles, sizes, and colors. [The Wocka Wocka-ing Dead – $14.95] [Prawn Solo – $19.95]
Over the past few years, we’ve become accustomed to the tech world presenting plenty of April Fool’s Day gags, many of which involve brilliant-sounding products that turn out to be too good to be true. This year thought, it seems many firms have decided Facebook advertising is the best way to spread the gags. It’s […]
Fast. Beautiful. Powerful. Glorious. Blue. [Gmail Blue]
Presented without comment. [Source: Caldwell Tanner – College Humor]