Doctor Who: Thyme Lord? [Video]
With over 900 years of traveling the universe, you’re bound to pick up some cooking tips! [Sneaky Zebra]
With over 900 years of traveling the universe, you’re bound to pick up some cooking tips! [Sneaky Zebra] A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away at the Meows Eisley Cantuna… If you’ve missed episode #1 of Paw Warz, you can check it out right here: These Are Not The Toiz Youโre Looking For. [ThePetCollectibe]
Just dip it in carbonite! A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…there were infomercials! [TheGamerChick]
[Source: Reddit | Via Dorkly]
Personally, most, if not all Asian people I know are not like that at all… except for maybe one specific lady. Do you see yourself or someone you know in this video, whether you’re/they’re Asian or not? [JinnyboyTV | Via Neatorama]
It appears I’m not the only one who sees Faces everywhere. [Via UD]
Kotaku video editor Chris Person played a lot of LucasArts adventure games while growing up. Here are just a few lessons he learned from them. [KotakuNYC]
Yep, that looks about right. [Via MUO]
The cat version of Nick Fury = Nick Furry. [Source: MigraineSky]
My mom hadn’t seen (or heard of) the Wachowski’s classic sci-fi film The Matrix. We watched the entire movie together and right after she told me what it was all about. She follows the white rabbit down some… tangents. [pixelspersecond | Via TA]