Doctor Loo and the TARDIS [Pic]
[Via NA]
[Via NA]
A compilaiton of some of the fakest websites and apps from the Doctor Who series. [Slacktory | Via Buzzfeed]
Now that kind of… tempting? :) [Via]
Google Glass might be one of the coolest gadgets around, but you’ll end up becoming a total Glasshole if you don’t watch out. Here’s a PSA for all Google Glass owners. [Mashable | Via Neatorama]
The strongest incentive we have to develop faster-than-light travel is that it would let us apologize in advance. [Source: XKCD]
I wish this would be for real :) [Funny or Die]
Risky Settlers Knights and Allies of the Lords of Dominion of Earth: Pandemic Edition? WANT! :) [RhettandLink]
A new video from the guys over at Cinema Sins: After much demand, we decided to point the sin-counter at the dinosaur classic, Jurassic Park. And no, one of the sins isn’t that the kids don’t die. [CinemaSins]
What better way to freak out your neighbors than to put up a zombie gnomes ornament on your front lawn? Something bad has happened in the garden. The once happy garden gnomes have been infected by a strange virus which has turned them into flesh eating monsters. There are only a few survivors left who […]
A funny parody of “How Animals Eat Their Food” by Eddie King and Tyler Marshall of Teddie Films. This was initially released for May the 4th, but I’ve just stumbled on it tonight. [Teddiefilms | Via LS]