Man of Steel Post Credits Scene LEAKED! [Video]
How Superman Joined the Justice Team… er… League! [The Warp Zone]
How Superman Joined the Justice Team… er… League! [The Warp Zone]
That headline may sound like the start of a bad joke, but in this case, it’s not! Just check out the source below. [Source: Twitter]
There’s nothing like a few AT-ATs to bring a little life to a bridal party! There was a shot floating around the internet last week of a bridal party being chased by a dinosaur. Itโs funny, admittedly. So hereโ s our take on the ideaโฆmostly because Leslie (and us) are huge Star Wars nerds! We […]
A great comic by artist Pablo Stanley. I’ve seen a few of these people around, both male and female, but fortunately for me, there’s none among my friends and family! [Source: Stanley Colors – Comics and stuff by Pablo Stanley | Pablo Stanley (Facebook Fan Page)]
After Sony’s mind blowing press conference at E3 and the announcement of the PS4, they released a step-by-step instructional video on how players can share games. Check it out! Pre-order your PS4 on right here! [Playstation]
PS4 WINS. FATALITY. [Source: Dorkly]
This awesome save-the-date card was created by newly graduated graphic designer Jordan for his upcoming weeding. I’m trying to think of an “EX-TER-MI-NATE” type of joke to finish this post, but since it’s too early in the morning, I’m still in a vegetative state, so I’ll leave it up to you guys to come up […]
The most depressing and hateful group of superheroes ever. [Via Almost Nerdy (Official) | Almost Nerdy (Facebook)]
Presented without comment. [Via Reddit]