Candy Crush: The Movie [Video]
Dedicated to all the Candy Crush and Other Phone Game addicts out there! [Source: nigahiga]
Dedicated to all the Candy Crush and Other Phone Game addicts out there! [Source: nigahiga]
Sometimes, Fellas, we just need you to just LISTEN and not just try and fix it. [Jason Headley / Sourceย YouTube]
Here are a few commercials showcasing some of the high-quality programming on LEX-TV, the most-watched TV network in the DC Universe. [Patrick Willems]
I Batlove this. [Source: Dubblebaby]
With some help from Felicia Day, Chris Hardwick and Warcraft players all around the world, Jimmy celebrates one of the best video games of all time. [latenight] Who won? Who’s the loser? I vote for Sam Macaroni… mainly because of the suit. Sam Macaroni takes on youtube’s Urban Ninja. You decide who the loser is and leave it in the comments below. With Xin Wuku and Liz Katz. Edit: There’s actually another “episode” of this that was filmed in 2011. Check […]
[Source: Abstruse Goose]
The latest “Die Hard” movie goes under the sin-counter’s microscope. Take a look back at one of the year’s first action films, and remember why almost no one liked it. [Cinema Sins]
In every game, Ryu’s Ultra Fireball takes longer and longer. Ain’t nobody got time for that! [ADHD]
Are Disney movies good influences, especially for little girls? The debate continues… [Source: The FW]