This is What You Get For Being a Stark [Picture]
Redditor TheCircusofValues has a House Stark sigil sticker on the back of his car and found this note on his windshield after heading out of work a few days ago. [Source: Reddit | Via NA]
Redditor TheCircusofValues has a House Stark sigil sticker on the back of his car and found this note on his windshield after heading out of work a few days ago. [Source: Reddit | Via NA]
This is brilliant… and who knew Wolverine was a virtuoso? Hugh Logan Wolverine Jackman sings. About Hugh Logan Wolverine Jackman. [gloveandboots] A commercial from 1983 featuring Star Wars: The Arcade Game for the Atari 2600 and 5200. I was about 9 or 10 the last time I got that excited over a game. [DigThatBoxRETRO | Via]
“The Wolverine” is coming out next weekend, and while it looks better than Wolverine: Origins, so do most types of skin rash. We revisit the massive letdown that ruined the most badass member of the X-Men. Thanks Sam! [Screen Junkies]
[via Sad and Useless]
Best Hishe episode ever! Be sure to watch it till the end! The solution to stopping Zod isn’t just a “snap”… it’s also a cinch. [HisHe]
A little rude, yes, but the fact it’s Tyrion “telling” the joke…well, it made me chuckle. [via Team Pwnicorn]
This summer’s hottest song meets last summer’s hottest band of superheroes! An awesome parody of Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky” by the Avengers themselves! Thanks Maxime! [P.L. Boucher]
Another awesome LEGO creation by Ochre Jelly. That’s it, now I want to see a LEGO version of Sharkano. [Source: Ochre Jelly | Via]
[Source: Doghouse Diaries | Via]